

Friday 10 February 2012

Yogyakarta, January 9-11, 2012

At Candi Ratu Boko (photograph by Najmi)
Vinska and I (well, we're not a lesbian couple!)
Photograph by Najmi
At Vrederburg Fort
With a Russian stranger at Candi Ratu Boko
A great landmark isn't it?
After a yummy breakfast at Malioboro St.
We are happy family :D

(Well, I am not a vain though, haha)

Last January, we went to Yogyakarta. It was a 3 days and 2 night trip. On the first night, we were sleeping at a small in at Sosrokusuman St. near the Malioboro St. But on the second night, we spent our night at McD and KFC till morning :p It was a great trip, and above all of those, our friendship and togetherness are the best things :D Pretty sad, not all of my friends go with us on that trip :( But yeah, I am so in love with them, I love my friends! Thanks all to coloring my life!

Thanks Najmi Jati Lenggana, Inos Ajawes, Alvinska Octaviana, Arif Hidayatullah, Dhiya Teja Martasasmita and also for the who didn't go on the trip, Joddy Patrianagara, Naufal Darari, Ayu Nur Utami, Angga Nanda, Annisa Fauziah, Wanda Almira, and you! Thanks for reading my blog!

Love my friends!
See ya!


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Livia Meilani | Lily | Bandung, Indonesia
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A passionate art student who fall in love with craft making such as knitting, crocheting, sewing, and cross stitching. A Hello Kitty addict and not a big fans of meat.